Offshore Recruitment Companies leveraging Gen Z Talent Pool

Generation Zero (or “Gen Z”), born between 1995 and 2010, has been entering the workforce since 2015 and creating a niche for themselves. Their high-tech upbringing is creating a revolution in recruitment; from the very establishment of the hiring process right through to staff retention levels and the frequency at which employees change jobs.  


Their arrival into the workplace also marks the beginning of a wider generational gap – with 5 generations now working together, demands are expanding and employers have new preferences to consider when harnessing the morale of their employees. Organizations find it tedious to recruit and tap new talent in-house. This is where offshore recruitment companies and hospitality recruitment agencies step in to attract and retain this talent pool.  

Gen Z is tech-savvy

Over 30% of Gen Z feels uncomfortable if they are away from their smartphone for 30 minutes which is not surprising – this generation is the first to have spent their entire lives with the internet, a mobile phone and a computer. This digital generation innovates and brings fresh blood to the organizations. They make for exceptional talent pool and are constantly being leveraged by the Offshore Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) agencies.

This generation is looking for ‘purposeful’ work at a company whose moral values align with theirs. They are also likely to change jobs up to ten times between the ages of 18-34 to find the ‘right’ role and company for them.

To improve retention rates of this generation, companies need to provide more than financial rewards and make the effort to create a company culture that is appealing to them.

Glocal ORPO: Solving the Gen Z recruitment Puzzle

Our global reach and diverse sector base means that we are inherently aware of the broadening talent gap in all industry verticals. We, thus, help companies attract such talent whose visions and ethics align with each other.

Need help attracting and retaining Gen Z in your company? Glocal can help. One amongst the best offshore recruitment companies and hospitality recruitment agencies, we have offered recruitment expertise to a range of industries for many years.  We are proud to place 10,000+ Americans in America and cater to 300+ staffing companies. Be it any generation, any industry, anywhere in the world- we are your OPRO partners working as your extended team. Visit our website to know more:



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