Role Of RPO Recruiting Companies In Hybrid Staffing

Three years back, the COVID-19 havoc gripped the world within its clutches. The pandemic flipped and changed the corporate world unbelievably. It has been a roller-coaster journey - from employees cribbing to get back to the office to now being unwilling to get back to the daily office routine. Most companies successfully adopted the ‘work from home’ model, but the need to visit office cannot be undermined. Today, employers have chalked out the perfect formula. To maintain the right balance, hybrid recruitment came into action. Thanks to the concept of hybrid recruitment, now it is possible to leverage the growth of businesses relying on both - the ‘work from home’ as well as ‘work from office’ model. However, every employer understands that recruiting a hybrid workforce can be rigorous and costly. Thus, numerous organizations are counting on RPO recruitment to cut all inconveniences. Not just that, RPO recruiting companies...